Pelatihan AVR

02 Oktober 2007

tolong dikoreksi yah

the most factor that considered for my decision in picking a college is about cost. everybody knows that college education needs a lot of money.
the cost of college education will become more expensive a long with the distance from my hometown. i concern a lot of that problem because i'm afraid that my family couldn't afford it. and i don't want to burden them with my college fee. but the condition will be different if i get a scholarship. i will no doubt in taking college education in foreign country, so that i could reach my dreams.

3 komentar:

phy mengatakan...

hmm...masih banyak yg kurang pas...tapi gak sempet koreksi nih..haha...besok2 deh...^^

anbarsanti mengatakan...

the factor that have most influenced me to choose a college is its cost (haa merubah arti banget)

college education diganti jadi studying at college (eh ngaruh gak ya haha)

kayaknya lebih enak kalo I give a lot of concern about this problem kali ya.. (kalo mau present tense) ~tp kayaknya mending i have giv-- eh verb3nya give apa yak x_x)"\

more expensive a long with the distance from kok rasa2nya aneh

i'm afraid if

i will have no doubt to continue my study at foreign country because i could reach my dreams

dah, gatau lagi. eh btw sy jg ga bs grammar da ^^)v masih suka salah, masih belajar. tp kata guru writing sy, grammar itu gak terlalu penting, yang paling penting dalam suatu paragraph adalah
~topic sentence (kalimat utama) harus jelas, harus satu ide
~coherence, keterkaitan antar kalimat

menurut sy 2 kalimat terakhir itu kurang nyambung. scholarship sama foreign country. trus my dreams---my dreams yg mana, yg apa. (lho kok malah menggurui gini. heu. inilah efek dari koreksi dosen secara terus menerus,, sori9... x_x)

Cyndy Theresia Messah mengatakan...

jgn tanya gw... wakakakakk..